D&T Self-Review Framework – making departmental review easier and more effective.

D&T Self-Review Framework – making departmental review easier and more effective.

The Self-Review Framework is designed to help you determine the quality and effectiveness of all aspects of Design and Technology provision in your school.

The Framework is a membership benefit and is free for all members (a primary version is available via https://primarysrf.designtechnology.org.uk).

The D&T Mark is a new quality mark which schools who meet all the criteria in the Self-Review Framework can apply for.

To find out more about the Self-Review Framework and D&T Mark please go to the ‘About’ page.

What is the quality of D&T in your school?

Take the following quick-fire questions to get an instant overview of the strengths and areas for development in your D&T provision. It will only take you three to four minutes!

Begin statements


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